
Everything You Need to Know About AI Copywriting

With an ever-broadening range of abilities, AI (artificial intelligence) is conquering the different frontiers of our daily life. Although robots that could love are yet to come, the existing AI can drive your car, understand your product preferences, generate astonishingly natural language, and whatnot.

If you are a copywriter or a blogger, you must be dying to find out what AI has something in the bag for the world of copywriting. Is it going to mark the end of copywriting as a profession? Or, is it going to be the most essential tool for copywriters? Well, read on to find out. 

What Exactly is AI Copywriting?

Simply put, AI copywriting is the usage of artificial intelligence tools to write and optimize copy. Utilizing AI copywriting tools, you can generate emails, social media captions, blog posts, and much more.

But the fair question to ask is how good is this AI-generated copy. Because, after all, getting some garbage out of some fancy tool wouldn’t be of much help. As per my observation – assuming you have got the right tool and you’ve entered the right details – you can expect a reasonable first draft that you can edit and tweak afterward.

Get the Best Out of AI Copywriting

The quality of AI-generated copy depends mainly on two factors: the AI tool used and the detail provided.

For one thing, just any copywriting tool wouldn’t be able to produce a good piece of copy. You’ll need to get your hands on a tested and well-reputed AI copywriting tool in the market. 

Assuming that’s dealt with, the quality also depends on whether the tool is specified for a particular subject or not. For example, if a copywriting tool is made specifically to write in the financial niche, you’ll get gibberish if you want a blog post on “best husky dog foods”.

That being said, once you have got the right tool, the important factor that will determine the quality of the copy is the detail of the requirements you provide. After all, AI is not creative, and it will fill in the gaps you don’t fill with all sorts of nonsense.

How does AI Copywriting Work?

So much for what AI copywriting is. You must be wondering how this AI copywriting thing actually works. Here’s how.

#1: Get an AI Copywriting Tool

First and foremost, get your hands on an AI copywriting tool. Which one? There are plenty of tools available in the market, starting from Jasper.ai, and Hypotenuse.ai, to Quillbot.com.

#2: Generate the Copy

Although the specific usage depends on what tool you’re using, the outline of the process is roughly the same.

Right off the bat, you can go ahead and enter the primary keyword – the topic of the copy – and the AI will give you some results. But most of the time, these results will make no sense. Why? Well, you have given no guiding lines to the AI.

To get more specific results, you’ll need to add more and more detail to the section. Start by specifying the content type. For example, mention the word about us page or blog post if that’s what you want. After that, rather than only adding the keyword, create an outline of specific topics you want to address.

And, that’s not it. Advanced AI tools further allow you to choose the length, creativity level, tone, and style of the blog post. Some marketing-oriented AI copywriting tools have the SEO (search engine optimization) feature. You can make use of them if needed.

#3: Edit the AI-Generated Copy

After entering all of the details, you will get a copy. No matter how advanced an AI copywriting tool you’re using, the copy will have grammatical errors, flow irregularities, and misplaced facts nonetheless.

Now, it’s time for you to take the driving seat, verify the facts, correct the grammatical errors, tweak the outline to improve flow, and, most important of all, play with the style and tone to make it compatible with your brand’s voice.

How Do AI Copywriting Tools Work?

Enough of how to work with AI copywriting tools. I think your curious minds must be wondering how on earth these AI copywriting tools produce copy all on their own. Sounds like magic, doesn’t it? Uh, not really.

AI copywriting tools are nothing but a set of algorithms that search the web for the given keywords, surf through the already existing data on the topic, identify common patterns, and – lastly – rewrite them as per linguistic considerations. 

AI copywriting is something inhabiting the crossroads of machine learning, natural language processing, and statistical analysis. 

Although it seems fancy enough, AI copywriting is still in its infancy. With every passing day, the algorithms are getting more and more sophisticated at cracking data and processing natural language. 

So, there’s much more we can expect in the future compared to what we see now.

AI Copywriting – Pros and Cons


AI Copywriting…

  • Does the research for you.
  • Saves a lot of your time previously wasted on trivial tasks.
  • Cuts the costs by reducing manual labor.
  • Can search through a vast amount of content.
  • Gives you more time for the essential parts of the process – editing, SEO analysis, fact-checking, etc.


On the other hand, AI copywriting… 

  • Misses out on the human part of copywriting – empathy, puns, jokes, metaphors, etc. are things it doesn’t excel at yet.
  • Is not good at creative work. So, you wouldn’t get anything valuable for copy – especially ads – that require some creativity.

Will AI ever Replace Human Copywriters?

Let’s face it. Being a copywriter, you must have – as have I – wrestled with the question of whether AI copywriting will take your job one day or not. Well, that day, if it has to come, isn’t very near. 

AI technologies, at best, can produce copy that can serve as a raw draft which, after considerable tweaking, restructuring, and rephrasing by the human editor, can take the form of a presentable content piece. In other words, AI copywriting – as of today – is dependent on humans (copywriters, specifically).

Here’s a better way of thinking about it. AI copywriters like grammar-checking and SEO tools are just tools that ease your research and writing work. Thus, it’s not something you should be afraid of; rather, it can be a great addition to your bag of copywriting tools.


  • Kenny Lee

    I'm an engineer-turned-writer who helps tech businesses increase online visibility with SEO-optimized content.

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