Why Your Business Needs An SEO copywriter

Small businesses want online visibility without paying exorbitant fees for paid ads. And this means turning to SEO strategies, such as keyword optimization, technical SEO, and link building. Regardless of your approach, having an SEO copywriter on your team is pivotal to increasing organic visibility.

What does an SEO copywriter do? 

An SEO copywriter is a content writer who optimizes blog posts and web pages for search engines and people. They write engaging copies that capture the reader’s attention and lead them into your sales funnel. At the same time, SEO copywriters write in a specific way that makes the content easily understandable by search engines.

SEO copywriters stay updated with the latest SEO best practices, particularly for Google. For example, Google emphasizes content that demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. SEO copywriters send a strong message that reflects the client’s brand value in their writings.

SEO copywriting also involves writing content that matches the customer’s search intent. For example, an article about ‘how to create an online course’ should answer every possible question by the readers. SEO copywriters ensure that customers find what they want without visiting another webpage. 

In a small business setup, SEO copywriters often work with a content editor, SEO manager, or the business owner to create a series of blog articles or web content. SEO copywriting is a long-term effort to draw organic traffic to your business at a much lower cost than paid ads.

Learn more about how SEO copywriting works in this article. 

5 Reasons Your Business Needs an SEO Copywriter Now

It’s never too early to hire an SEO copywriter, and here’s why. 

They write copies that engage both human and search engines

Many writers and business owners write great copies that are delightful to read. However, these articles might never appear on Google search results because they lack structure or other on-page SEO factors. As such, business owners have very little to no results to show from the effort put into creating those articles.

Meanwhile, good SEO copywriters appeal to both people and machines. They write in a specific way that resonates with customers while structuring the article in ways that match SEO best practices. In a way, they help your business prepare for Google updates, such as this one that favors helpful content. 

They optimize keywords without overdoing it

Keywords are the SEO lingo for search phrases that customers use to search for specific information. For example, ‘yoga tutorial for beginners is a keyword. Keywords remain an important SEO ranking factor as they did decades ago. 

However, search engines’ tolerance of keyword stuffing and other illegitimate practices has shrunk drastically. If you optimize keywords in ways that breach Google’s policy, you might find your content fails to rank. For example, Google punished keyword-stuffed content in an SEO algorithm update in 2012. 

SEO copywriters know how to use keywords naturally in the content without irking Google’s stringent ranking algorithm. They use a combination of related phrases instead of focusing on a single keyword to help Google better understand the article’s context. 

They fulfill your other content writing needs

While writing SEO-friendly content is their bread and butter, most SEO copywriters are versatile writers. They help growing businesses meet their content writing needs. For example, you might need a whitepaper written for a new digital product. Or case studies to demonstrate success in past projects.

Some SEO copywriters are also good storytellers, and they’re great at creating copies that appeal to the reader’s emotions. As such, business owners can delegate content writing tasks to the SEO copywriter instead of hiring and managing different writers, which can be quite taxing. This also helps you to maintain a consistent brand voice on all published copies.

They help you create a strategic content plan

SEO is a long-term effort that requires strategic planning and publishing of diverse types of content. As a business owner, you might find it hard to fill up the publishing calendar with content that adds value to customers. Without experience in SEO copywriting and keyword research, your options are quite limited.

An experienced SEO copywriter is helpful in crafting a long-term content plan. They know what types of articles go well or are necessary for a particular niche. SEO copywriters are quick in finding keywords that attract searches but with fewer competitors. More importantly, they know how to create topic clusters – several types of content that revolve around a keyword, which improves SEO. 

They drive new customers to your business

This is, perhaps, why businesses hire SEO copywriters in the first place. The ultimate goal for every business is to land more customers one way or another. Ranking your web content on search engines only solves half of the problem. The other half is about turning the search visitors into leads.

SEO copywriters understand the psychological process of marketing. They apply proven lead generation models, such as AIDA, to their copies. Instead of hard selling the audience, SEO copywriters empathize with their pain points and draw their attention to your solutions. They make a convincing case without sounding pushy, which eventually leads to an email sign-up, e-book download, or transaction on your e-commerce page. 

How much does SEO copywriting cost? 

SEO copywriters charge a diverse rate according to their expertise, industry, experience, and geographical location. While there isn’t a standard benchmark, competent SEO copywriters might charge anything from $0.10 to $100 per word. The rate indicates their confidence in producing highly engaging, SEO-friendly articles for you. 

While it’s possible to find SEO copywriters who are willing to write for a meager $0.01 per word or less, I do not recommend such moves. Often, you’ll find yourself editing the content for grammar, correctness, and style. It’s better to get it right the first time by hiring a proven SEO copywriter. 

Final thoughts

An SEO copywriter can improve your business website’s visibility on the search engine by writing and publishing a series of SEO-optimized content. Great SEO copywriters honed their skills through years of writing and ranking content on Google words by words. They also have the much-needed skills to draw new customers to your business with appealing copies.

Get in touch to learn how I help tech businesses expand their search visibility.


  • Kenny Lee

    I'm an engineer-turned-writer who helps tech businesses increase online visibility with SEO-optimized content.

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