
Jasper AI Review (Worth Signing Up?)

Generative AI is driving changes in how businesses create content, and Jasper.AI is one of the pioneering solutions in the content writing space.

If you’re a content writer, blogger, or business owner, you might have come across Jasper.AI and its clever marketing. 

But is Jasper worth every dollar it charges? Or is it an overrated AI writing tool?

I’ve downloaded Jasper and given it a shot. And here’s my review. 

What is Jasper.ai? 

Jasper AI is an AI writing tool that helps you create high-quality content in seconds. Instead of being a one-size-fits-all solution, Jasper focuses on long-form content, specifically blog posts and web articles. It allows users to generate or translate content in more than 30 languages. 

Unlike most of its competitors, Jasper doesn’t have a free plan, but you can try Jasper for 7 days free with a credit card. Then, it starts charging from $49 per month. 

Since its launch, Jasper has cemented itself as one of the most popular AI writing solutions. Some of its notable clients include Sports Illustrated, Transcend, and SentinelOne. 

How Does Jasper.AI Work? 

AI writing tools use deep learning models to perform natural language processing and respond to human input. The same goes for Jasper AI. Instead of relying on a single model, Jasper’s AI engine works with Open AI’s GPT4, Google’s language model, and other advanced neural networks it has access.

Simply put, Jasper.AI brings the best of multiple large language models and augments them with internet searches to produce realistic, purposeful, and human-like AI-generated content. All it takes for users is to provide a blog topic and a couple of input parameters, and Jasper’s underlying AI algorithm will do the rest. 

Check out this brief walkthrough where I tested several key features of Jasper.

Jasper AI Walkthrough

Jasper is a collaboration-friendly tool that allows marketing teams to work closely on the same content workflow. It also integrates with SurferSEO, an online software that helps you optimize your article by scoring various on-page content ranking factors. 

My Jasper.AI Experience

I tested Jasper with an open mind and a sound understanding of what generative AI-powered software can or cannot do. 

Still, I was pleased by the overall experience, from signing up to generating a few blog articles. 

Jasper has a simple interface and a helpful onboarding tutorial to get you started. Even if you skipped the instructions, creating articles on Jasper is quite straightforward.

One-Shot Blog Post

The easiest way to create a well-structured article is with the One-Shot Blog Post feature. There, you specify the blog topic, tone of voice, and target audience, which Jasper uses to create a complete blog article in seconds.

Jasper AI Review - one shot blog post
Jasper’s One Shot Blog Post

In this review, I asked Jasper to write a blog titled ‘How to meditate at home’. The result more than met my expectation, as Jasper started with an intriguing blog title, followed by step-by-step instructions for practitioners to meditate at home.

I’m impressed that Jasper managed to get the facts correct. This showed that Jasper was trained on reliable data. However, it’s important to note that Jasper’s ability to produce content is limited to generic ones.

For example, it couldn’t produce an article with the depth needed when I changed the target audience to ‘experienced meditation practitioners. Jasper also tends to repeat certain sentence structures, such as “You can also…” in the paragraphs. This gives a rather monotonous tone to the blog article, which requires further adjustments. 


Jasper AI review - chat
AI-powered Jasper Chatbot

Jasper has a powerful chatbot that can create short articles from a prompt. Unlike the blog-post creation tool, all you need to do is to provide an instruction to the chatbot.

Arguably, this is the most efficient content creation tool on Jasper, which provides a straight-to-the-point, modern writing style. 

I like how it doesn’t repeat certain sentence structures throughout the content. However, the chatbot may produce non-unique content with different prompts. For example, it created two almost similar content for the following prompts

  • Write a blog about how to meditate for 12 years old.
  • Write a blog post with the title “How to meditate from home”

Both generated content differs only in specific parts. Compare both Jasper-produced paragraphs for different topics below.

Jasper AI Review - Similar Para 1
Paragraph for ‘How to meditate for 12 years old’
Jasper AI Review - Similar Para 1
Paragraph for ‘How to meditate from home’

So, if you’re using Jasper chat for content creation, you might run into plagiarism or duplicate issues. 

Document Editor

Jasper’s editor is a powerful tool that lets you edit content created on the Chat or One Shot Blog Post tool. It also allows you to create content from scratch by providing a blog topic and tone of voice.

However, the editor’s AI work differently. Instead of creating the entire article, it generates part of it and waits for further instructions. Here, you can instruct the AI to regenerate the last output or continue creating the next part.

By itself, the editor seems cumbersome as it lacks the intuitiveness of the chatbot or blog-creation tool. That changed when I switched to the Power Mode.

Jasper AI review - editor
Templates and Workflows on Jasper AI

In this mode, I can create copies from pre-designed workflow and templates, such as the AIDA framework and Press Release.

Brand Voice

This is a new feature Jasper introduced to adapt its AI engine to a human writer’s voice or style. The idea is to train the AI with text or documents written by the writer and create new content with a specific style. 

Jasper AI Review - Brand Voice
Jasper’s Brand Voice

So, I created a ‘Brand Voice’ by allowing Jasper to crawl a published article on my website. Then, I rewrite the same topic on meditation with this voice.

Notably, Jasper now writes in a different style, but it’s still not in ways that I would.

It’s important to note that fine-tuning the AI model, which Jasper tries to do, requires large volumes of training data. A few pages of written content is likely not enough to enable the AI to replicate your style. 

Jasper.AI Pros and Cons

Here’s where I feel Jasper AI shines or falls short in my review.


Using Jasper AI is effortless. Despite its simplistic onboarding program, you can use the tool with almost no training. The controls are self-explanatory, and Jasper takes you through content creation in a step-by-step manner. 

Grammar and language structure

Jasper is almost flawless in this respect. While it doesn’t commit serious grammar mistakes, Jasper may occasionally create sentences that are too wordy. 


Jasper offers the right balance of flexibility and features to create blog posts with AI. Commonly-used tools are easily accessible, with powerful features like templates, brand voice, and AI chatbot that differentiates Jasper from its peers. 


Jasper is expensive, with subscriptions starting from $49 per month. There is no free plan, which means light users must pay the full fee once the trial period ends. 

Depth and factual correctness

While Jasper may perform well for general topics, it lacks depth when prompted to generate technical topics requiring a deep understanding of the subject matter. Also, there might be factual consistencies when tasked to write such topics. 


Jasper is arguably one of the most powerful and versatile AI writing tools. Barring its expensive subscription fee, it provides businesses with handy features to craft intelligible content in seconds. With the inclusion of a chatbot and brand voice to enhance blog writing, Jasper continues to set the pace in an increasingly packed AI space. 

The question is, should you use Jasper?

Well, Jasper is the right tool if

  • You need to draft marketing or blog copies in seconds.
  • Your team of writers is overwhelmed. 
  • You’re exploring premium AI writing tools.
  • You have a comfortable budget to work with. 

That said, you’ll need to edit the copies that Jasper wrote before publishing. As effective as it is, Jasper still needs more work before it can replace talented creative writers. With a personal touch, AI-generated copies are more likely to convert. 


  • Kenny Lee

    I'm an engineer-turned-writer who helps tech businesses increase online visibility with SEO-optimized content.

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