Why Is Content Writing Important for Brands and Businesses?

As a brand, you know that in 2023, simply offering discounts or special deals won’t cut it anymore. Buyers are educated and they know that you’re in business to make a profit. So a 70% or 50% off sale alone won’t necessarily win them over.

What really resonates with people are emotional connections and compelling stories. That’s where content writing comes into play. It allows you to build a narrative around your brand that engages your audience emotionally.

So, you develop a detailed buyer persona and weave a story that includes characters, conflicts, and resolutions, and you can offer solutions through your products in a truly connected way.

In this blog, I will detail why content writing is important for brands and businesses and how you can use this tool effectively to increase your sales by multifolds. I have also shared some tips on how to write compelling content, so stick to the end.

What is Content Writing?

If you’re a marketer or a business owner, you must understand that content writing is not just about stringing words together. It’s a skill. A crucial one. Because you’ve got an audience to serve, and not just any content will do.

You need a strategic plan and a workflow management system to write content that serves your audience at every step of their buyer journey. Your content attracts them, educates them, and persuades them to make a purchase.

Like you would only play chess if you think a few moves ahead, you will only write content with a strategy. You move with a plan and a strategy to write, edit, illustrate, and distribute your content.

What are the Types of Written Content?

When it comes to content writing, one size never fits all.

Understanding the types of written content is critical to guiding your potential customers along the buyer’s journey. 

  • For the awareness stage, web pages and blogs are perfect for catching attention and providing value.
  • Case studies help make convincing statements about the products and services you offer.
  • Meanwhile, reviews and comparison posts are ideal to drive readers into taking a commercial-driven action.
  • And remember, social media platforms are excellent for every stage, fostering community and keeping your brand in mind.

While devising your content strategy, include each type of content on every touch point of the buyer’s journey.

5 Ways Content Writing Benefits Brands and Businesses

Content writing benefits your brand by telling people “why you do what you do,” “how you do it,” and “what benefit the buyers can avail from your product or services.”

To elaborate on it in more detail, I break it down into 5 ways content writing is important for your brand or business.

1. Establish a Brand Voice and Identity

First off, let’s talk about brand awareness. You’ve got fantastic business ideas and a unique approach, but it falls flat if you can’t communicate this.

Content writing allows you to flesh out your brand communication and enhance your visibility in the market.

Source: Statista.com 

Through consistent messaging and style, your brand voice comes to life. For example, think of Nike’s famous “Just Do It” slogan. This isn’t just a call to buy athletic wear. It’s an invitation to embrace a mindset of determination and action. By consistently using this messaging in their advertising, social media, and even product design, Nike has managed to sell not just products but also a lifestyle.

2. Connect with Your Target Audience

Actually, it’s not just understanding your audience is enough. You need to connect with them. Good content writing helps you in relationship building.

So, write in a tone that your audience understands. This will help you grow your consumer base and form genuine connections. You must sound like a friend who gives good advice rather than a salesperson who always pitches.

As I already mentioned, sales pitch no longer works in business. You must be honest with the buyer and tell them you understand their needs better than the competitors.

3. Boost Online Visibility and SEO

What is the use of writing a killing copy if your buyer doesn’t read it? Considering the importance of reaching out to your audience, SEO isn’t an accessory. It’s a necessity.

The quality of your content influences organic search rankings and overall search engine rankings. And let’s remember the importance of keyword research.

You can boost your Google rankings by focusing on standard and long-tail keywords optimized for your audience. A well-planned, keyword-optimized blog post can do wonders for your online presence.

4. Establish Authority and Credibility

The words ‘authority’ and ‘trust’ go hand in hand. You’re building up your online authority by producing quality, reliable content. Over time, this establishes you as an industry leader.

The buyer trusts your words, and search engines make it visible to the target audience organically. Hence, a trustworthy content source wins you Google’s favor and earns your audience’s trust.

5. Support Content Marketing Strategies

Lastly, let’s talk strategy. Your content marketing strategy isn’t complete without stellar writing. From SEO efforts to lead generation, your content serves multiple facets of your business.

Don’t just make efforts to get more eyes on the page; it’s about getting the right looks and converting that interest into tangible business benefits.

HubSpot is an excellent example here. Their content isn’t just abundant; it’s strategic, aiming to solve the very problems their services address.

Top Brands that Publish Engaging Content

Due to the highly competitive market, you must go the extra mile to tell your story and sell your product.

Below, I have discussed a few brands that crafted a compelling selling point and weaved that into their content, making it engaging, emotional, and trustworthy.

Tesla: Driving Towards a Sustainable Future

Tesla is not just about selling electric cars but about pushing for a sustainable future.

Source: https://www.tesla.com/en_eu/impact/environment 

Their online content often dives into the details of clean energy, advancements in battery technology, and the vision of Elon Musk for a greener world.

This strategy helped Tesla become more than just a car manufacturer. They’ve established themselves as a leader in the sustainability conversation.

Coca-Cola: Selling Happiness

The emotional marketing of Coca-Cola is still unrivaled. They’re not just selling soda; they’re pushing happiness and community bonds.

How can I be so sure? A great example is their “Share a Coke” campaign. In this campaign, Coca-Cola replaced its iconic logo on bottles with common names and even terms of endearment like “Friend” or “Mom.” The idea was simple yet effective: by personalizing their product, they encouraged people to share a Coke with someone special, thereby promoting happiness and community bonds.

Their storytelling resonates globally and makes consumers feel like they’re part of something bigger.

Adobe: More Than Software

Adobe has set a higher bar in the tech industry by going beyond product promotion. They are not just selling software; they share knowledge. It’s like an act of empathy.

Source: blog.adobe.com

Their Adobe Blog is filled with educational content. It has creativity exercises and software tutorials, positioning them as an industry leader and authority.

Airbnb: Stories That Travel

Airbnb has also mastered the art of storytelling. They don’t just play as a platform for booking stays. They’re a travel companion.

Source: Airbnb

For instance, Airbnb features “Host Stories” on its website and social media platforms. These are personal narratives from hosts around the world, sharing their experiences and why they decided to open their homes to strangers. This content not only adds a human element to the brand but also builds trust and fosters a sense of global community.

How do You Write Better Content?

Writing better content is more about connecting with your audience on a deeper level.

Let’s start with the golden circle concept. This circle has three tiers: Why, How, and What. While writing content, you adopt an inside-out approach.

First, answer the ‘Why.’

Why are you writing this piece? Is it to educate, entertain, or persuade? Knowing your ‘why’ sets the tone for your content.

Next comes ‘How.’

How will you convey your message effectively? This is where strategy comes into play. Use storytelling, case studies, or data to back your claims.

Employ various sentence structures and include a call-to-action to guide your reader on the next steps.

Finally, tackle the ‘What.’

Simon Sinek explains this concept best in this video.

What is the main takeaway for your reader? This is the crux of your content and should be communicated clearly and concisely.

Once you’ve built your golden circle, sprinkle in some SEO magic.

Use keyword-optimized headings and metadata to ensure your content ranks well on search engines.

Check out our blog, How to Write for the Internet to get a detailed insight into content writing and learn how to stand out as a brand through your content in the world of AI.

Remember, good content writing is a skill that takes time to develop.

But with a strong understanding of your audience and a strategic approach, you can craft content that ranks well and truly resonates.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key Takeaways from this blog:

  • Content writing is about building emotional connections with the audience. Use this tool to build a rapport with the buyer.
  • We have a variety of content that tackles the same audience at the touch points of their buyer journey. May it be a web copy, an email, a blog, or a social media post. Make sure it aligns with the purpose.
  • Brands like Tesla and Coca-Cola aren’t just selling products but visions and emotions. These companies use content to elevate themselves into lifestyle brands, and you can do the same.
  • To write better content, follow the golden circle technique of Simen Sinek. Start with the ‘Why,’ move to the ‘How,’ and finish with the ‘What.’ This golden circle approach ensures you cover all bases, from purpose to execution to takeaways.
  • SEO isn’t just a technical requirement; it’s integral to reaching your audience. Keywords aren’t just to satisfy algorithms; they help your content reach genuinely interested people.


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